Welcome to the world of Athania…
Presenting a collection of notes, writings, and dissertations from The Chronicles of Athania, penned by the sage Tholaris Koln, of Vhelmar.
The following information has been gathered from numerous maps, notes, and the diaries of many explorers. It is as reliable as it can possibly be, but as always with the case of geographic information, is subject to change over the course of time.
To many this information will be academic, and obvious beyond repeating. However, from a historian's point of view, I must be complete. And no treatise on a land would be complete without at least a passing description of its peoples.
It pains me to write this account in so few words. The history of Athania is a vibrant story -- full of both glory and treachery -- romance and intrigue -- murder and mystery. It has been my life's pursuit, and I feel it has been a worthy one…
The gods play an active part in the day to day affairs of Athania. Not only do they have worshippers in general, but each god has an active church, and a number of clergymen dedicated to following, preaching, and expanding the influence of that god throughout the land.
It should be noted here that this topic is the one upon which I know the least. Practicioners of the art tend to be jealous of their secrets by nature, and unless one devotes himself wholly to one art or the other, it can be extremely difficult to come by knowledge of that art. Nevertheless, I will divulge what I know, and hope that I am not offending anyone with my ignorance.
Finally, I wish to speak in brief about the current lay of the land. There are three main principalities within Athania, and each has its own peculiararities and customs. It is important that you understand these, for a person whom doesn't know that to steal in Danoria will cost him his hand may soon find himself answering to the nickname Stubbie.